Seeding Practices


Tips for Making Radishes Part of a Dynamic No-Till System

A great beginner’s cover crop, oilseed radishes can tap into underground nutrients, increase water-infiltration rates and ultimately help boost crop yields.
Since he started seeding radishes as cover crops 6 years ago, Illinois no-tiller Daniel Steidinger says higher yields and improved water infiltration are two major benefits he’s seen.
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Double Up No-Till Benefits by Cover Cropping for Forage

Cover crops serve up more than just soil benefits. They can boost a no-tiller’s bottom line when used as feed for their livestock, experts say.
Cover crops are usually touted for their contributions to soil health. But for no-tillers with livestock, covers can provide an immediate benefit to the bottom line by also serving as forage.
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Short-Season Corn Hybrids Could Expand Cover-Crop Seeding Window

Recent improvements to early-season corn hybrids could help no-tillers raise 200-bushel crops, seed cover crops earlier and capitalize on price advantages.
One obstacle to cover-crop adoption in cooler northern climates has been the typically narrow window for getting covers quickly seeded and established after corn harvest to capture benefits to no-till soils.
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Unraveling the Mystery of Cover-Crop Seed Quality

No-tillers must sort through the sales hype and learn more about their seed sources to find economical, effective species and varieties that will accomplish their cover-crop goals.
As more and more no-tillers embrace cover crops, the production of the seed itself has become a rapidly growing industry in which marketing can sometimes outpace performance.
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Mixes Boost the Power of Cover Crops

Here are tips and steps for no-tillers looking to plant and reap the benefits of multi-species cover crop mixes.
While no-tillers may have started dabbling in cover crops by planting two species at a time, these early adopters are now taking the natural next step by planting cover crop mixes.
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Combine 2

No-Tiller Seeds Cover Crops While Harvesting

A Gandy applicator fastened to a John Deere combine allows Indiana no-tiller Ray McCormick to seed annual ryegrass while harvesting corn.
Some no-tillers say they don’t plant cover crops because there isn't enough time, or they don’t want to add extra equipment passes in their fields.
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The National Strip-Tillage Conference returns August 8-9, 2024! Build and refine your strip-till system with dozens of new ideas and connections at the 11th Annual National Strip-Tillage Conference in Madison, Wis. Aug. 8-9, 2024. Experience an energizing 2-day agenda featuring inspiring general session speakers, expert-led Strip-Till Classrooms and collaborative Strip-Till Roundtables. Plus, Certified Crop Adviser credits will be offered.

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