Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Strategies for Successful Cover Crop & Corn Management

In this webinar, Illinois farmer Frank Rademacher, a conservation agronomist with The Nature Conservancy, walks through management considerations for cover crops step by step, from species selection to corn planting.

Healthy Soil Might Be Easier to Detect by Sound than by Sight

How can you tell if your soil is healthy? Just listen to it. In this article, read about first-of-its-kind research which shows how "ecoacoustics" can help scientists monitor the health of soils — using underground critter concerts.


Photo by: Traci Klarenbeek

Robots Are Seeding Cover Crops

While corn harvest is still weeks away, robots have been planting cover crops in Illinois for a couple of weeks and should be finished by Labor Day. Read the article from Farm Week to learn more.

Dennis Bowman

Photo by: Phyllis Coulter

Biologicals — Why Focusing on Cover Crops & Soil Health Should Come First

In this video, Jesse from American Beef Ranch explains why even though biologicals can be a valuable resource for farmers, he feels that many growers would be better off focusing on planting cover crops and other regenerative ag practices to reinvigorate the biology that is already in the soil but needs to be reactivated from its dormant state.

No-Tilling Soybeans into a Cereal Rye Cover Crop

In this YouTube Short from Legacy Seeds, check out a field of no-till soybeans that is being planted into corn stubble as well as no-till soybeans planted into a cereal rye cover crop and the difference between the two fields.

Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Click here to view past "Best of the Web This Week" updates.