Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Knowing the “Why” Behind Your Cover Crop Species

In this video, a Kansas farmer explains why it’s important to know the purpose of a cover crop species before you select it to plant on your farm. Whether it’s for erosion prevention, nutrient cycling, weed suppression or some combination of the three, knowing the “why” behind your cover crop is crucial.

Making Cover Crops Work with Specialty Crops

In this video, watch as Aries Haygood of Vidalia, Ga., shares why he uses a cover crop on his Vidalia onion seeds beds. He explains the different seeds he uses and the positive regenerative effects cover crops can have on the Vidalias he grows every year.

Year-Round Soil Health, Cover Crops Help Unlock Farm’s Profitability

In this article from Farm Progress, learn how investing in cover crops and other soil health practices and sticking with that program for a full year can increase profitability and boost yields on your farm.


Photo by Holganix

UK Farmer Says Cover Crops Are Enjoying Moisture on His Farm

In this Tweet, UK no-tiller Richard Harris shows off his cover crops 20 days post-drilling and comments on the moisture levels in his cover cropped fields.

Can Cover Crops & No-Till Help Make Corn a Sustainable Aviation Fuel?

In this Tweet, ecologist and geographer Silvia Secchi says “no amount of no-till, nutrient management and cover crops can make U.S. corn a Sustainable Aviation Fuel feedstock.” Her comments are a response to Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack promoting Ethanol. What do you think? Share your comments here.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Click here to view past "Best of the Web This Week" updates.