Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

No-Till vs. Conventional After Rain & Cover Crops

In this video, take a look at this demo field set up in Marathon County, Wis., where a 2nd year no till, a 1st year no till, and conventional till system that followed a corn/cover crop field with soybeans planted were observed. While checking on the soybeans after 2 days of heavy rain there were some interesting observations made about soil structure and what cover crops can do.

New Regenerative Farming Podcast Episode Focuses On Cover Crops

Listen to the latest episode of Grounded: The Regenerative Farming Podcast as hosts Kyle Richardville and Stuart Johnson are joined by Ian Gould to discuss the most effective ways to use cover crops to improve soil health.

Study Shows Cover Crops Are 1 of 7 Ways to Sequester Carbon On The Farm

Recent studies reveal 7 equally effective ways to sequester carbon through regenerative agriculture practices. From cover cropping to agroforestry, this video explains each method in detail, backed by scientific research and real-world examples. Learn how these techniques can be implemented on your farm to increase soil carbon levels and contribute to a healthier farm.

Several Major Corporations Support Cover Crops & Funding Regenerative Ag Practices

Corporate interest in sustainable agricultural practices has grown in recent years, along with money to back it. As a result of food manufacturers saying they want agriculture to use more sustainable practices, many companies are working to help the industry achieve those goals.


Photo: magnetcreative/Getty Images

Minimizing Tillage by Terminating Covers with a Roller Crimper

In this YouTube Short from Center for Arkansas Farms and Food (CAFF), a group of researchers terminate winter cover crops with a roller crimper to minimize tillage.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Click here to view past "Best of the Web This Week" updates.