- Timely seeding: Cover crops need to be seeded at specific times to maximize their benefits. Drones allow farmers to seed cover crops during critical windows, such as post-harvest or pre-winter.
- Flexibility: The use of drones allows farmers to seed cover crops into standing corn and soybeans preharvest, typically from early August through early October here in Ohio. Drones can also apply when ground conditions are unfit like after a rain. This flexibility ensures optimal growth and soil protection.
- Accessibility: Drones can reach places in fields that are otherwise challenging to access with other application equipment. They can fly over terraces, grass waterways, and wetlands, providing precise seeding even in complex terrain.
- Transportability: Drones are easily transported and used by a wide customer base. Crop dusters, on the other hand, prefer large acreage farms and fields, making them less suitable for smaller areas.
- Environmental benefits: Drones minimize soil compaction since they don’t require heavy machinery to traverse fields. Additionally, precise seed placement reduces seed waste and promotes efficient resource utilization.
- Regulations: One must comply with local regulations governing drone use. Licensing, airspace restrictions, and safety protocols are essential considerations.
- Seed payload capacity: Drones have limited payload capacities. Fields, especially large ones, will require multiple flights.
- Battery life and flight time: Current drones are powered by batteries, which have limited capacities and flight times. When applying cover crops, frequent battery changes and recharges will be required.
- Seed type and size: Different cover crop species have varying seed sizes and shapes, which impact the metering and distribution uniformity. We have found in our research that different spreader setups and gates are needed depending on the seed size. One setup does not work for all cover crops which can create a challenge when applying mixes.
- Flight planning and navigation: Effective drone operation requires careful flight planning and navigation to avoid obstacles, maintain safe distances from structures and power lines, and adhere to airspace regulations. Complex field layouts or areas with dense vegetation can at times present additional navigation challenges for drones.