Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

The Best Time to Terminate Cover Crops

In this article from The Independent, read about the best (and worst) times to terminate cover crops. Depending on the species, region and several other factors, ideal termination timing can vary quite a bit from farm to farm.

Planting soybean when cereal rye is green

Planting soybean when cereal rye is green and actively growing in a research project at South Central Ag Lab near Clay Center n May 2020. Photo: Amit Jhala, UNL Extension

20 Reasons to Grow Cover Crops on Your Farm

From breaking down pest cycles to adding soil organic matter, there are many benefits to introducing cover crops into your farm production. In this video from Green Thumb Gardening Secrets, find out the 20 most important reasons why you should be growing cover crops on your farm.

Cornell Cover Crops Weed-Seed Burial Test

Thomas Björkman from Cornell Horticulture and Cornell Cover Crops conducted a weed-seed burial to test the effects of cover crops. Check out this twitter thread and the video of his weed-seed burial to see what happened and how it affected his cover crops.

New Study Explores Connection Between Cover Crops/Soil Health and Water Quality

Two Soil Health Nexus members, Francisco Arriaga, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Anna Cates, Assistant Professor and State Soil Health Specialist at the University of Minnesota, recently published a long-awaited whitepaper exploring the connection between soil health practices such as cover crops and water quality. Read the full 10-page document here.


Agronomy Highlights Podcast Covers Micronutrients

In this episode of the Penn State Extension Podcast, Agronomy Highlights, listen to cover crop specialist and host Joseph Akins discuss micronutrients and fertilizers with his co-host Dwane Miller and two special guests. Plus, learn how micronutrients are used by crops, what farmers can do to test their micronutrient levels, and the best application methods for micronutrients.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Saddle Butte Ag.

Saddle Butte Ag

Bio Till Cover Crops, a pioneer and leader in cover crop seeds, represents a complete lineup of seeds suitable for use in diverse soil types and growing conditions. Our focus on cover crop and regenerative forage seeds sets us apart from suppliers invested in other markets. Dealers in our distribution network are committed to your success by providing local resources, education and guidance to ensure you have the correct foundation for success. With over 50 years of experience in production, processing, packaging, and shipping, you won’t find a better fit for your farm.

Click here to view past "Best of the Web This Week" updates.