Cover Crop Strategies editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great agricultural industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Salford Group.

Salford Group

Salford Group knows cover crops. Salford’s Valmar 56 series seeders set the bar for versatility and accuracy in cover crop seeding. These machines accurately handle a wide variety of seed and blends, while pairing with virtually any implement to seed cover crops while performing other field operations. Salford has a variety of tillage implements that are suitable for seeding with the 56 series applicators. Some Salford tillage machines can be used for hay and pasture renovation, and others can be used to work in standing cover crops as green manure. Check out Salford’s cover crops solutions at

Cover Crop Kernza Shows Up In Colorado as Moisture Control Component

We've heard a lot about the potential of Kerzna, a deep-rooted wheat grass developed by The Land Institute. All signs indicate the new crop — part cover, part cash — has begun to work its roots into the wider agricultural market, including this piece from the Colorado Sun.

Colorado State University water resources specialist Perry Cabot, left, plans with farm manager Jim Fry how to plant a Kernza in a field at the Western Colorado Research Center's Grand Valley Agricultural Experiment Station near Fruita. (Gretel Daugherty, Special to The Colorado Sun)

Cover Crops Coach Steve Groff Guests on "4 The Soil" podcast

Steve Groff of Holtwood, Penn., recently visited with the "4 The Soil" podcast (celebrating its first anniversary) to talk about soil health and cover crops at his Chesapeake Bay, and nutrient density in food.

Martin Family Farms Explain Planter Choice For Seeding Cover Crops

The Martin Family Farms recently explained why they went with the Great Plains Turbo Seeder to plant cover crops seeds. They decided to use a planter over broadcasting via buggy and aerial seeding.

Drilling Wheat Into Rolled Summer Covers

The Young Family in Greeley County Kansas used a roller-crimper to terminate a cover crop mix over the summer. In this update video, posted to their Young Red Angus Youtube Channel, they talk about drilling wheat into the rolled crops in early September. The video also contains an update underlining the dry conditions faced in Kansas and other parts of the Southern Plains.

Ontario Cover Crops Flourishing

The Holland Marsh Growers up in Ontario are spreading the word about cover crops, including this gorgeous aerial photo of rich Ontario farmland.


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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by Salford Group.

Salford Group knows cover crops. Salford’s Valmar 56 series seeders set the bar for versatility and accuracy in cover crop seeding. These machines accurately handle a wide variety of seed and blends, while pairing with virtually any implement to seed cover crops while performing other field operations. Salford has a variety of tillage implements that are suitable for seeding with the 56 series applicators. Some Salford tillage machines can be used for hay and pasture renovation, and others can be used to work in standing cover crops as green manure. Check out Salford’s cover crops solutions at

Salford Group

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