Loran Steinlage
West Union, Iowa
Adopting a '2020 Mindset' with Perennial Covers, Organic No-Till in Mind
The farming system Loran Steinlage built has been under constant evolution the last several years, from no-tilling to interseeding cover crops to companion and relay cropping cash crops and cover crops.
The owner of FLOLO farms in West Union, Iowa, who raises corn, soybeans, cereal rye, winter wheat, malt barley and buckwheat, will talk about the next step — integrating organic practices and perennial cover crops — to keep living plants in the ground 24/7/365. He’ll share some of the data he’s collecting to verify the system is working, and also how he’s managed to suppress cover crops with his innovative farming methods instead of terminating them.
Hear Cover Crop Strategies Editor, John Dobberstein, and Loran Steinlage discuss his upcoming presentation...