Cover Crop Strategies
montag john deere vertical tillag

John Deere & Montag to Deliver Cover Crop Solution for 2660VT

September 17, 2020

New for fall 2020, John Deere has a brand-new enhancement for its 2660VT, due to the allied partnership between John Deere and Montag.

This solution will allow you to work your fields and have the convenience of applying Cover Crops or Dry Fertilizer at any time without additional tanks or carts to hook-up or tow around. The GEN II 2108 Dry Product Metering System fits conveniently into the frame of the 30 foot 3 inch 2600VT without sacrificing any transport dimensions. Controlled with only one additional SCV, boasting tank sizes of 30 or 50 cubic feet, optional ISO scales and the ability to apply up to 123lbs per acre of dry material makes this solution perfect for those growers wanting more out of their VT.